Thank you Breeze Finance, I,m stll not sure how you did it but you got my £42,000 of debts paid off for only £28,00 and with the low cost loan you arranged for me your management of my debt has saved me over £400 per month.

James Hazeldine



The figures for the second quarter 2005 show that the total number of individual insolvencies has increased by 36.8 per cent on the same period as last year and has risen to its highest level in 45 years. Bankruptcies have risen by 27.5 per cent and Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs), an alternative to bankruptcy, have risen by 69.6 per cent when compared to the figures for the same period last year. The number of people who have become bankrupt or entered into an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) in England and Wales in the last 12 months is 54,227. Personal bankruptcies have broken the 40,000 barrier for a 12 month period for the first time.

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Voluntary Arrangements

An Individual Voluntary Arrangement is a legal process by which you can gain protection from your unsecured creditors by entering into a legally binding repayment agreement with them, which is then supervised by a licensed insolvency practitioner.
The IVA process is suited to those debtors who have a relatively high level of disposable income but who also have a high level of unsecured debt.

The IVA arrangement is supervised by a licensed Insolvency Practitioner who is responsible for all negotiations with your creditors and for ensuring that you make all of the payments required under the terms of the arrangement.

Under the terms of an IVA you are normally required to make regular monthly repayments, usually over a 5 year period, after which any balances remaining on your debts are written off.

 If you are a homeowner, you may be required to release any equity you have in your property by taking out a mortgage or secured loan and paying this money to your creditors as a condition of the IVA this can either happen at the start of the IVA or four years into the IVA.

Once an IVA has been agreed by your creditors, all interest and charges on your unsecured debts will be frozen.

Your supervisor in the IVA is required to review your financial situation every year and, as a result, you may be required to increase your monthly contributions into the IVA.



Bankruptcy on the other hand can be the solution if you owe a lot of money, have no assets, and can see no way of ever paying the debts off.
Bankruptcy has long term lasting affects on your credit rating and indeed during your period of bankruptcy you would not be allowed to borrow money at all. Bankruptcy should only ever be seen as a last option. If you are faced with bankruptcy, even if you have already been issued with a bankruptcy petition please contact us as we may just be able to provide you with a far less drastic solution





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Breeze Finance are a financial management solution provider who can provide help with debt and finance in the following ways, UK Debt management, UK consolidation, uk consolidation loans, uk home improvement loans, uk any purpose loans UK Individual Voluntary Arrangements otherwise known as IVA’s, Trust Deed, UK Bankruptcy, Scottish Sequestration, UK Repossession, UK County Court Judgements CCJ, uk early settlement figures and UK debt counselling. We can provide uk financial help to anyone in financial difficulty or adverse credit in the uk. Breeze Finance recommends clients check their UK credit rating with Experian or Equifax Experian before applying for further UK finance.
Our site provides you with a uk consolidation calculator, a UK loan calculator a UK credit card calculator and a UK budgeting calculator all free to use before you apply for help with your uk debts
We can also refer your details to a third party who may be able to provide you with re-mortgage.


Common misspellings of Breeze Finance’s key areas of business
Debt Management and Debt Consolidation Misspellings: Dept, Detb, Debt managment, Consoldation, Consiliation, Finannce, Bankrutcy, Bankrupcy, Dbet Managment, Debt Managmnet, Dept Management Debt Consolidation- Debt Consolodation, Debt Consilidation, Debt Consoladation


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