Thank you for writing to the courts for me, the 28 day adjournment you arranged was enough to get my refinancing completed and I avoided going bankrupt.

Susan Hastings




The figures for the second quarter 2005 show that the total number of individual insolvencies has increased by 36.8 per cent on the same period as last year and has risen to its highest level in 45 years. Bankruptcies have risen by 27.5 per cent and Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs), an alternative to bankruptcy, have risen by 69.6 per cent when compared to the figures for the same period last year. The number of people who have become bankrupt or entered into an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) in England and Wales in the last 12 months is 54,227. Personal bankruptcies have broken the 40,000 barrier for a 12 month period for the first time





Past or impending bankruptcy is not an obstacle to Breeze Finance who can usually arrange a loan or debt management programme for clients in order to avoid falling into the Bankruptcy trap or indeed help them recover their financial freedom after discharge.

If you have already been made bankrupt we can certainly help you to raise finance from the day you are discharged and may even with the co-operation of the receiver be able to arrange funding for the repayment and full early discharge of the order.

Remember at all times that as far as your credit rating is concerned Bankruptcy is probably the worst thing that can happen to you.

In many instances we at Breeze Finance can help you avoid Bankruptcy altogether, too often we see people who have fallen into the Bankruptcy trap who should never have come anywhere near to bankruptcy. We have many less traumatic solutions available including debt management, debt consolidation and IVA programs that are easily set up and accessible to almost everyone.

Avoiding Bankruptcy


Bankruptcy is something you should try to avoid at all costs. If you are declared bankrupt, the consequences can be far-reaching and may lead to the loss of your home, a feeling of humiliation, and ongoing problems obtaining credit in the future.

A bankruptcy is always advertised, both in the London Gazette and the local papers in your area. In addition your bank, building society, creditors, landlord, mortgage lender, and anyone else with whom you have a financial connection will be notified immediately.

You may lose your home if the Official Receiver or trustee decides to sell it to clear your debts.

A bankrupt person is not allowed to run a business, so any business or company you run will have to be shut down as soon as you are declared bankrupt.

Your bank accounts will have to be closed and any goods you have on hire purchase, such as a car, will have to be returned.

In addition, any assets that you acquire during the time you are bankrupt can be taken away.

Depending on your profession, you may lose your job as a result of being declared bankrupt and/or be barred from membership of certain professional associations or trade bodies.

Even once you have been discharged from bankruptcy, your ability to obtain a mortgage or get other forms of loans or credit may be affected for several years.

If you own your own home and have sufficient equity in the property, then there is a good chance that you can avoid bankruptcy by arranging a remortgage  or consolidation loan to pay off your creditors and clear your outstanding debts.


Before you face a court hearing and no matter how soon that hearing may be please fill in the form on the right of this page as we may well be able to help or Call Free on 0800 083 1750

              Call Debt management uk Free Now 0800 083 1750































Breeze Finance are a financial management solution provider who can provide help with debt and finance in the following ways, UK Debt management, UK consolidation, uk consolidation loans, uk home improvement loans, uk any purpose loans UK Individual Voluntary Arrangements otherwise known as IVA’s, Trust Deed, UK Bankruptcy, Scottish Sequestration, UK Repossession, UK County Court Judgements CCJ, uk early settlement figures and UK debt counselling. We can provide uk financial help to anyone in financial difficulty or adverse credit in the uk. Breeze Finance recommends clients check their UK credit rating with Experian or Equifax Experian before applying for further UK finance.
Our site provides you with a uk consolidation calculator, a UK loan calculator a UK credit card calculator and a UK budgeting calculator all free to use before you apply for help with your uk debts
We can also refer your details to a third party who may be able to provide you with re-mortgage.


Common misspellings of Breeze Finance’s key areas of business
Debt Management and Debt Consolidation Misspellings: Dept, Detb, Debt managment, Consoldation, Consiliation, Finannce, Bankrutcy, Bankrupcy, Dbet Managment, Debt Managmnet, Dept Management Debt Consolidation- Debt Consolodation, Debt Consilidation, Debt Consoladation





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